Friday, 21 December 2012

Maybe December

December is the time of the year where people become more generous and decide to change for the next upcoming year in hopes that maybe, next year will be better than the current one. The new season rolls in, the stores maniacally gathers up plotting the next big sales and we - individuals who don't really care, are trapped. This inevitable state of mind that people seem to trigger annoys me while scaring me simultaneously. What makes December so different than every other month of the year?

Honestly, 2012 hasn't been my year, or anyone's whom I have come across so far. So many horrible things have happened, no wonder people believed the world would end in 2012. Ironically, society is so consumed into spectacularism, this obscure fascination for disaster makes me believe that the world may as well have ended when everything became so materialistic.

As I mentioned previously, this year hasn't been my year. I lost all my friends, nasty rumours about me has come and gone, my stepdad is currently in jail and other unfortunate events I can't mention in a public media. With all these unlucky and damaging events, I have never lost hope in myself, despite losing fate in God and everything interrelated, however, never in me, which I do think that losing hope in itself is the worst sin someone could ever commit.

I hereby wonder what makes people believe that December will be so different than the other months. I started my December at home texting my boyfriend who is 2 hours and a half from me - a factor of my unfortunate year - and questioning whether we have been brainwashed to think certain things, like the 12th month of the year is a time of love, change and forgiveness.

Whether we have been brainwashed by multi-billionaire corporations such as Chanel and Coca-Cola or not, one thing is certain, we seem to label things and people too easily and forget what really is important to us and what our priorities are.


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